Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) is a 501(c) non-profit, grassroots organization.
Your generous donations to Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) go directly to the front lines of gun rights and support critical pro-gun efforts like legal action, direct advocacy, grassroots activism, and outreach. Due to IRS rules, contributions to FPC are not tax-deductible.
The purposes and objectives of Firearms Policy Coalition are:
- To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the People’s rights, privileges and immunities deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition, especially the inalienable, fundamental, and individual right to keep and bear arms;
- To protect, defend, and advance the means and methods by which the People of the United States may exercise those rights, including, but not limited to, the acquisition, collection, transportation, exhibition, carry, care, use, and disposition of arms for all lawful purposes, including, but not limited to, self-defense, hunting, and service in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens;
- To foster and promote the shooting sports and all lawful uses of arms; and
- To foster and promote awareness of, and public engagement in, all of the above.